We, at JigsawBio, are innovators exploring the unexplored patterns and their significance in an organism's humungous biological codes of life to re-define conventional thoughts. Proprietary and integrated computational algorithms are developed for providing novel insights into biological data, including intricate arrangements of genomes. This led to discovery of novel biomarker signatures of pathogens and in-turn to development of new tests making molecular diagnostics efficient than ever- sensitive, specific, simple, and reaching IVD market through our technology-partners. The algorithms can accelerate pace of many other biological data investigations and accomplish a lot more. We bring speed molecular diagnostics targeting human/veterinary/livestock/aquaculture/food pathogens. We offer research services in genomics including biomarker discovery. IMRS (Identical Multi Repeat Sequences) and ICSR (Identical Common Stable Regions) platforms have enabled designing NAATs (qPCR, LAMP, isothermal) that outperform conventional. We have played a decisive role in some of the challenging point-of-care diagnostic projects of recent years. We look forward to collaborations to put innovation into actions for pressing challenges and make greater impact.